Let us arrange your Fairtrade textile products

Make use of our production chain and let us arrange your fFirtrade textile products. Just look around you within your organization. You may not realize it, but there is more cotton there than you initially think.

Do you know that cotton is one of the most polluting industries in the world, at least conventional cotton. In our chain of organic and Fairtrade cotton, “working with nature” is the motto. That is good for nature and people. The result of this approach is very soft cotton that prevents allergic reactions. That’s why! And we do more…. See our philosophy.

Let’s create a better world together. How? By having us arrange your textile products. You can think of:

uw eigen label

Your own label

Duurzame en bruikbare promotie artikelen

Sustainable and useful promotional items

eerlijke bedrijfskleding

Honest work clothes

Do you want to know more? Just contact us:

9 + 1 =

Meet some of our customers

What are the possibilities?

Actually they are endless, as long as the article can be made of cotton. You can think of:
Towels, bedding, T-shirts, polos, hoodies, wipes, bathrobes, company clothes and bags.

ITGilde shirts

The benefits at a glance:

  • Especially produced for you, if you want to environmentally friendly packaging is also possible;
  • No added chemicals and pesticides, that’s good for the environment and good for the skin;
  • Children do not work in the entire chain, people receive a fair wage and they can develop themselves.

Use the contact form above to contact us or call (+316-28068228) to discuss the possibilities directly.

    MEET US?

    You can! At events or
    you can make an appointment.